Claim Processing

We help members in filing error free insurance claim and avoid rejection

For Faster Claim Approval

Proper documentation can ensure prompt settlement of claim. Unless done correctly, settlement may get delayed. We can help you file the claim properly
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Lapsed Policies

We help members in reviving / surrendering lapsed policies

You Should Revive or Surrender Lapsed Policies

Policy lapsed? No worries. We help members in reviving, or surrendering lapsed policies easily and quickly from Insurers
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Mis Selling

Contact us if you think there is something wrong with your policy

We Provide Legal Assistance

Are you a victim of Mis-Selling by dishonest agents? We can lodge your complaint with authorities and help you recover your money
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Policy Scrutiny

You must examine all clauses of the policy within the Free-Look period. We are specialized in Policy Scrutiny

For Faster Claim Approval

Insurers allow you just 14 days to examine your policy document and report if there are any discrepancies. Don't worry, we can do that for you immediately
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Denied Claims

Contact us if your claim has been rejected by the life insurance or health insurance company

We Can Guide You to Lodge Claims Properly

Sometimes life insurance or health insurance companies reject claims due to improper documentation. Contact us for help in such cases
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Misc Service: Free Advisory

We evaluate and accordingly advise customer's need based purchase of life insurance and health insurance policies.

For Faster Claim Approval

You should be clear about your specific needs and purchase policies accordingly. Don't buy any policy on blind faith in someone. We offer this service for free.
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Introduction Life is full of unexpected events, but we can prepare ourselves for whatever it may bring. Crafting a financial safety net

Life Insurance is probably the must-to-purchase product, but least understood. Due to lack of knowledge, we depend on our Agent or Bank or Teleservice executives

Life insurance is a contract between an Insurance Company & the Life Insured. In this contract, the insured has to

Death is inevitable, but the impact of death of sole bread earner can be devastating for the family, both emotionally

Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer or assurer. In an event of death

DEATH IS CERTAIN ONLY TIMING OF DEATH IS UNCERTAIN The very reason of our 90% stress today is due to